Are NDAs important?
Are NDAs important? Well, kind of. So it depends what you're going to be saying.

Are NDAs important?
Are NDAs important? Well, kind of. So it depends what you’re going to be saying. So say, for example, you’re going to be going to a business and giving them a load of confidential information. Yes, get an NDA in place. But for a normal business meeting, where all you’re going to be talking about, here are our services, this is how we can help, there’s not really any confidential information being shared. So what’s the point of wasting time getting an NDA signed when you might as well just go to that meeting. And also, if you’re going to be putting terms and conditions in place, you’ve got confidentiality obligations in there anyway. You don’t need an NDA and your terms of business when you’re getting them signed at the same time.
Just go along, have your meeting, get them to sign your terms and you’re covered. Now, if it’s a very highly sensitive meeting that you’re going to, yes, you need an NDA, confidential information. But The majority of people who go to a meeting, they’re not going to be spilling their business secrets. They’re literally saying, this is what we need, can you do it? And you can be quite vague when you’re looking to get that service.